Thupten Jinpa & Doug Abrams

in collaboration with the DALAI LAMA


Following up on The Book of Joy, we have been working on a new book with the Dalai Lama. It is envisioned as a travelogue to the mind and a universal introduction to mental training and meditation. It is meant for people of all faiths or no faith at all, secular, spiritual or religious, for anyone who wants to live with more joy and meaning.  In addition to sharing the Dalai Lama's own meditation practice, the book will focus on how to turn one's mind into an ally and how to confront the thorny challenges of everyday life with more serenity and success.  The book is tentatively entitled, How to Think: A Journey to Unleashing the Power of Your Mind.   

We will be going to Ladakh in July to tour monasteries, hold the dialogues, and create the book.  We would like to know what topics you are most interested in.  We will explore the most popular ones in the book. Please fill out the questionnaire and let us know.

more to come soon,


Thupten Jinpa has served as the Dalai Lama’s principle translator for over 35 years.  A former monk with a PhD in religious studies from Cambridge, he is also the founder of the Compassion Institute. Jinpa has also been Chairman of the Board of the Mind & Life Institute established by the Dalai Lama to help create the field of “contemplative sciences.”

DOUG abrams

Doug Abrams is the New York Times-bestselling co-author The Book of Joy with the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu and The Book of Hope with Jane Goodall.  He was also the interviewer and commentator for the Mission: Joy documentary on Netflix. He is also also the Founder of Idea Architects, a book and media agency working with visionaries who are creating a wiser, healthier, and more just world.